Letter from Edna 25/10/2023

Dear OTM Community,

I’m overjoyed to tell you that we have found someone to take Over the Moon into its next chapter. Not just one person, but two. Not just any two, but a special two who I believe are the right fit for this beautiful dance community.

Let me introduce them…

Marlena Raymond and Michelle Young will be the new owners and co-directors of Over the Moon in 2024. Their first experience of dance was at Mangala Studios founded by Dorotea Mangiamele. The same Mangala studios where I met our darling Belinda Prest in the choreography class some 47 years ago.

When Aislinn and I met with Marlena and Michelle, we were excited because they felt like such a great fit – but 40 years younger than me. Their hearts are open, which is a prerequisite for working at our studio, and they are keen to meet you all.

The fact that Mangala’s artistry and ethos was a formative part of Michelle and Marlena’s dance education is very significant to me. It means that the essence of OTM’s artistic and day-to-day culture does not need to be explained. It’s as woven into their upbringing and dance education as it is mine. This is something that makes me so happy.

On a personal note, I wish to thank my dear friends, Aislinn Farrow, Joel Reynolds and Sharyn Robinson who have been generous beyond measure in assisting me through this process. I couldn’t be more grateful.

To all of you in this widespread OTM community, thank you for your patience throughout the period since my initial announcement. Both Marlena and Michelle have heard tales of the legendary warmth and camaraderie of our OTM network. I look forward to us all welcoming them into their new roles, as Over the Moon dances and down dogs its way into a vibrant, new era. You will see them around the studio, and backstage at the Senior Performance as they become familiar with all aspects of the school. 

Michelle and Marlena have already started planning towards 2024 and I will be delightedly supporting them in whatever capacity enhances the next jeté forward. OTM will run the same timetable in 2024 – Term 1 enrolments open in mid-December.

Meanwhile, importantly, our grandson Mkhokheli and I are on the waiting list for the toddler class. We’ve been practising our moves – they are unique and potentially ground-breaking.

We will see you on the dance floor.

All the best,

PS. You can learn more about Michelle and Marlena here.